Day 17, Wed 2 October

Day 17, Wed 2 October

Today’s tour begins in the harmonious surrounds of San Marco convent, a perfectly preserved 15th century monastery paid for by the Medici and designed by their favourite architect Michelozzo. We will see frescoes and panels by Fra Angelico, who was a Dominican monk in the convent, and works by Ghirlandaio. The serene space of the library housed ancient Greek and Roman authors and Medieval and Renaissance illuminated manuscripts.

From there we will stroll through the Giardino dei Semplici botanical gardens to the Church of Sant’Apollonia to see Andrea del Castagno’s Last Supper.

In the afternoon we will visit Palazzo Vecchio, town hall of Republican Florence until appropriated by the Medici in the 16th century. Here we will view the Salone dei Cinquecento hall, the apartments, the tiny chapel of Eleonora of Toledo and the Mannerist studio of Francesco I de’ Medici. Within the vaulted ceiling some secrets of the palace will be revealed by our guide.

Accommodation: 3rd night at Hotel Balestri, Florence.

Meals included: breakfast.
